Whisk Buzz's mailing list has moved to Substack!
Learn what awesome changes (features) this brings
Please note: If you’re getting this e-mail, it is because you either subscribed to Whisky Buzz, or were a Whisky Buzz Patreon supporter, or you subscribed to the even more rarely used LCBO mailing list. Consolidation is a wonderful thing!
Hi! I’m really excited about this, and I wanted to share.
You’ve seen me from such places as Whisky Buzz (mostly whisky reviews), The Whisky Topic Podcast, a terribly neglected YouTube channel, or Instagram (or possibly a combination of the above!). I’ve made a few changes to how content is delivered, and I hope this will allow me to continue delivering content to all of you in a more consistent way
The answer is Substack. I know, I know, literally every famous journalist has started a Substack mailing list (well, not literally, and I’m not famous). It has become a popular platform. Twitter and FB have both purchased competitors to this platform, and that’s because the platform works.
Going forward, whisky reviews will continue to be posted on Whisky Buzz. When they're posted, you'll receive them as part of the mailing list, and we can discuss the review here. Furthermore, I'll have discussion threads here on pertinent topics that don't make it to the website.
If you’re new to Substack, don’t worry. It functions just like a mailing list. No one can see you and you have the same level of privacy. However, you can choose to go into Substack and like or make comments on posts; that will be public.
I always welcome your feedback, so feel free to let me know your thoughts on the content and the frequency of posts. I know times are tough. Let’s build a community that helps us get through these tough times together.