GlenDronach’s chill is a reminder fans care. But will it matter?
Brown-Forman’s move to chill-filter GlenDronach’s 12 Year Old Single Malt is a reminder that words and processes matter.
Lots has been written about chill-filtration in whisky, but the short version is that chill-filtration is that added pinch of salt to your meal. Without it, it’s delicious, but that little extra does add something.

I like Davin’s summary:
Most people who have tasted whisky both ways agree that chill filtering may reduce the flavour and does affect the mouthfeel negatively. It is minor, but noticeable. This includes distillers and quality assessors. However, the distiller’s worst enemy is the customer who returns whisky to the store. If a store gets too many returns they simply stop stocking that whisky. This is particularly difficult when the large stores decide not to stock a whisky. Many customers understand that non-chill filtered whisky sometimes gets hazy. However, enough customers think there is something wrong with hazy whisky and return it that it becomes a huge nuisance for stores and a nightmare for distillers.
We know the reasons why it’s done and we know how it’s done—none of this is a particular mystery. It’s also important to note that all whisky (unless it’s been poured into your glass straight from the barrel) is filtered. And not all chill-filtration processes are the same. Frankly, most terrific whiskies are chill-filtered.
Still, to mess with tradition…. well, I can’t wait to read the reviews comparing the two versions of the single malt. The tasting note differences might be subtle (if any) but the addition of this process to a beloved whisky is a chasm between GlenDronach fans and the company’s bottom-line.
What have others had to say about this? The discovery came via redditor. Josh of The Whiskey Jug asked Brown-Forman for a statement and he has his own thoughts on it. They’re slightly more filtered than the Reddit thread (which I encourage you to read, though definitely NSFW).
I wish I had the ability to explore Glendronach more in this region. Aside from the 12 there really isn't much on shelves. I probably wont be able to explore this until after this change happens so I'll probably never know the difference. Would be interesting to do a side by side though. You would also think that with the knowledge on whisky being so much more prevalent now the effects of non-chill filtering would almost be common knowledge.